Work With Us

In preparation for expanding and strengtheningour commercial network, Avà srlislooking for new talent to work in zoneswithinItalythathavenotyetbeenadded to ourgrid.

We'reinterested in hiring for the following positions:

  • - Pre-existingsector agents
  • - Wholesalers
  • - Commercial partners


  • - Exclusiverights to that zone
  • - Guaranteedproducts and markets of the highestquality and professionalism
  • - Possibility for expandingyourownroute and network, and evencollaborating with otherprofessionals, providingproductssuchasfurniture for interior design firms.

For additional information, contactus by calling the followingnumber:
tel. 0934.061132
Or, send an email containingyour information and telephonereferences to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;youwill be contactedwithin 24 hours by one of our commercial managers so we can go throughyourapplication in more depth.

Avà Staff

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location Via Bachelet 11
93017 San Cataldo (CL), Italy
phone (+39) 0934 06 11 32
mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.